Alex's home page

My Baby Girl

Alex, (our retirement baby) was born Alexandria Michael Eidson, November 22, 1999. Yes, there is 20 years between our oldest child Angie and Alex.


Alex's Hobbies ?

Alex loves to color, paint and draw. Alex hates to wear shoes and seldom does. She's my little farm girl always picking up frogs, turtles anything that moves ... she has no fear. She loves animals. She really likes to get into her sister Megan's things... but doesn't every sister like that?

Alex is an Aunt !!

Alex is an aunt to 4yr. old Rocky (Bubba) and 1yr. old Parker Michael Brewer. ( Notice how the name Michael keeps popping up....who can figure? ) Anyway, Rocky was born November 21, 2000 missed being born on Alex's birthday by hours so Alex is 364 days older than Rocky.

Alex is also an Aunt to 4yr. old Alivia (Lil Pill) Eidson. Alivia was born March 8, 2001. Alex loves to play with Lil Pill at least for 10 minutes then they start at it just like sisters would.